Dog Attacks

A dog with its mouth open and it's head hanging down.

Any attack from a dog or other animal can be a horrifying experience. Often the injuries can be very severe and can leave permanent injuries and scarring. Additionally, there are emotional, psychological and financial repercussions from these types of attacks.

About Dog Attack Cases

In the U.S., most states make dog owners liable for all dog bites. A few require the dog bite victim to prove that the animal was vicious or that the owner or another party caused the attack due to negligence or by being in violation of an animal control law (i.e. a leash law). Often, the victim’s legal damages are covered by the dog owner’s homeowners and renters insurance policies, or by general liability policies that insure businesses and public entities

What You Need to Know

The first thing you should do if you are bitten by any animal is to seek medical attention. An animal bite may not look serious, but can cause serious injury, infection, and can even become life-threatening if the animal was diseased.

The Law Regarding Dogs
In California, the dog owner is usually responsible for injuries or damages caused by their dog.

Parties Other Than The Owner
Sometimes, people other than the dog owner also may be held responsible for a dog bite or attack. These could include:

  • A landlord or other property owner
  • A homeowner’s association or condominium board
  • A property management company
  • Whoever sold the dog to the owner

Make sure to get the name and phone number of the animal’s owner. A neighbor or witness may help provide that information if the owner isn’t present. Get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses, too. Take photos of all of your wounds and any damage to your clothing or other property, and it is advisable to get an attorney involved right from the beginning.

Please call our office as soon as you reasonably can. We’ll help you determine whether you have a case, and what else you should do to establish important facts.


(323) 954-9955

Attorneys Brian Breiter or Mark Rubashkin will talk to you and help you figure out the best course of action for your case. We’re here for you.

All calls or consultations are free. In personal injury matters, we don’t get paid unless you do.