Premises Liability

A pair of glasses and a beard are shown.

People get injured in all sorts of places and circumstances. It can be difficult to know what to do or who to go to with an injury claim.

What is Premises Liability?
It’s an owner’s responsibility to keep their property safe, and free from dangers. If you’ve been injured due to a dangerous condition, or an owner or their employee’s negligence, you may be entitled to compensation.

Types of Premises Liability cases:

  • Residential injuries in homes and apartments
  • Injury on business property (including retail stores, fitness centers and places of worship) due to owner or employee negligence
  • Other locations, including sidewalks, walkways and government property

What You Need to Know

Most “slip and fall†accident and other premises liability cases are going to examine whether the property owner knew there was a hazardous situation before anyone got hurt, and wasn’t diligent about remedying it. They will also consider whether the person injured was taking common sense precautions for their own safety. Specific considerations are made when the person injured is a child.

Rules and laws governing Premises Liability vary from state to state. A thorough evaluation by a reputable personal injury attorney will help you determine whether you have a case.


(323) 954-9955

Attorneys Brian Breiter or Mark Rubashkin will talk to you and help you figure out the best course of action for your case. We’re here for you.

All calls or consultations are free. In personal injury matters, we don’t get paid unless you do.